Bong Joon Ho's Oscar-winning film, Parasite, shows a low-income family that infiltrates the affluent family's home one by one and tries to fill the positions of the former staff by posing as highly qualified individuals. Because of how thought-provoking this film is, it has risen to the top of my personal list. Tonal changes and symbolism, as well as the director's unique point of view and cinematography technique, effectively conveyed the message. Bong Joon Ho displays a rare sensitivity and awareness of current social issues. He is able to portray the harsh reality many people face today. I found this film hilarious, intriguing, suspenseful, heartbreaking, and horrifying. It's a great way to get people to think about the social injustices that exist in the harsh world we live in. The best way to describe this film is as: “a comedy without clowns and a thriller without bad guys all wrapped up into one package”.
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